Our shop South Coast Antiques & Gallery is located where the Old Henrietta's restaurant was located and was the subject for a number of Glenn Millers hand tinted etchings. One that I have had access to was titled "Henrietta's, the Hub of the Town".
Glenn Miller's art is the kind of thing that really appeals to anyone that has a love for the local area. Sadly, many of the buildings that Glenn has done etchings of have been destroyed by time, Katrina, and many by the desire to reshape Ocean Springs into a New Orleans type one stop party destination. A very sad thing in my opinion.
Ocean Springs has so many wonderful and quirky little buildings and between the whims of the storm Katrina and that of people that seem to want to rebuild the town from the ground up eventually only the prints of a visionary artist like Glen Edward Miller will allow the future to have a glimpse of what so many people loved about Ocean Springs. On that same note, I can only muse at the fate even of Henrietta's that is now South Coast Antiques & Gallery and used to be the Hub of the community!
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